Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Election 2008

Finally, finally, election day has arrived! Regardless of the outcome, I will certainly be glad when this one is over. As a supporter of Hillary Clinton, I lost my enthusiasm about this election months ago. The ads and the constant bickering about America's problems are exhausting, and I cannot help but feel that this election has dragged on for far too long.

Will and I intend to stay up late watching the returns on cnn.com and foxnews.com. I am expecting Barack Obama to win handily. Nearly all of the British people I know will be absolutely overjoyed if this happens. My brother, Robert, says that all of the non-American students in his language school in Beijing feel the same way. One of them, a Khasak, recently informed him, "Robert, even I know that Barack Obama is the right choice for President!" It is interesting that the world is so certain while America is so divided. Why is it that millions of people who have never set foot in the United States, experienced our culture, or dealt with our problems believe that they can know with certainty that the Americans who support John McCain are wrong or misguided. While I certainly often have preferences about who I prefer to win foreign elections, I would never go so far as to say that one candidate is the "right" choice- unless I believe wholeheartedly that the candidate's opponent is downright evil. Surely the world does not view Senator McCain this way. If they do, that speaks volumes about the damage that has been done been Obama's propaganda machine.

1 comment:

Mike said...

let me just say this

Very interesting, so many, have no concern with the murders, killers, thugs, thief's he has associated with all his life. His voting history confirms where his bed lays, and it aint with you or me.

We all heard that he has never pledged allegiance to the flag? but he was a senator

I'm from Chicago and I would not give 2 cents for a man of his back ground.

I have reached into my pocket and given more to the black, white, Mexican, Asian then he will ever give.

For 20 years he went to church and his pastor preached hate, I guess you who voted, have no problem with that also.

His aunt lives as illegal welfare on east coast. I would think he would get her legal and provide her with a little assistance.

Don't bet his grand mother died of natural causes. He and his group does not need his usa grand mother agreeing, with what his kenya grand mother has said more than once, that, he was born in Kenya to reporter.

You had a slick sales man sell you a empty bag of goods and promises.

He is nigger rich, white poor. Nothing more.

So enjoy your happiness while it lasts.

the uncle tom comment from Ralph Nader, don't bother me (a little odd)

Riots are breaking out at some of his campaign head quarters because they hired homeless workers, closed shop and left and not paid them.

You think Putin will back down from a nigger? He cannot because he would be the laughing stock of Russia, There will be no back down regardless of the cost.

This fits into the 2012 uncertainly.

America wanted change, now they will get it, i am afraid the change will be for the much worse.

He has pledged all his life to terminate coal producing industry, that is power and steel, raise taxes on the corporations and give you and me checks to share the wealth, I'm not going to work, I will wait for my money.

Corporations pay more taxes, it is as simple as you dumbos can imagine, pass the taxes to the consumers, as simple as that.

Cutting military by 25% is one of the things that Kennedy killed, the other was his vice president was going to jail the other was disband the fbi..... well now we have apples and oranges and pears.

We better put our seat belts on, Bush already made countless massive jails awaiting something. Canada now has agreement with USA to bring in troops and kill American citizens

This was all apart of a bigger plan perhaps a Brandenburg plan and we are all a bunch of no nothings