Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Tiverton Exe Valley Rotary Club

Tonight, Sangmi, Yulia, and I went back over to Tiverton to visit the Exe Valley Rotary Club, a well-established club that has been going strong for over a quarter of a century. The club is all male, and meets at a hotel on the outskirts of Tiverton.

The ride to Tiverton was awful; I seriously felt like I was going to throw up by the time we got there. The roads are terribly curvy and hilly, and although I typically don't get motion sickness, they are more than I can comfortably handle. Yulia was in similar shape. Sangmi (who has decided now to go by the nickname "Mi," pronounced "Me") didn't comment, so she may have been fine, or may not have. Once I got out of the car, it improved a bit. I wrote it off as having been motion sickness, although the nausea returned later in the evening, so I'm not so sure.

Once we got inside the hotel, we began to mingle with the Rotarians, and then we set about setting up our projector system so we could do our presentations later in the evening. Yulia brought her presentation on CD (saying that she didn't have a jump drive larger than 2 MB, which I couldn't help but laugh at and tell her to go to Poundland and pick up a 1 GB one), and Sangmi and I both brought ours on identical black 2 GB S3 MicroCruzers.

The meeting began with dinner, which consisted of potato soup, followed by mixed vegetables with pork roast and gravy. Coffee was served after dinner, and our presentations began shortly thereafter. Yulia went first, because it was just easier for her and her CD to go first. Sangmi followed her, once we got some problems with the computer we were using's touchpad sorted out (it was jammed so that the mouse wouldn't move). I was on last.

I broke in a new presentation tonight. Rather than doing an expanded presentation about me, as Yulia and Sangmi did, I did a presentation about where I am from. My presentation was very well received, although I got some skeptical questions about the portions of it concerned with hunting. During the questions at the end, I was asked why I was doing naval history, which I think I managed to explain to the satisfaction of the person who asked the question.

Afterward, I got several compliments on my presentation, including Yulia and Sangmi telling me that they think I will make a good history professor one day, which was nice to hear! All told, I think this was my favorite of the Rotary clubs that I have visited thus far. They are also the only one that has given me a club flag!


Barbara [looking for the perfect slice of Americana] said...

How did you explain your studies?

William McCracken said...

People in ships who are trying to sink each other, of course!