Friday, 6 February 2009

Playing in the Snow

Today, Amanda dragged me outside to make snow angels. It was painful.

First thing out of the gate, I slipped and fell while trying to get into position to make a snow angel. Not wanting to have to get back down in the snow, I worked from where I was-which left me no room to move my legs. In the end, my snow angel had giant wings, but essentially no legs. I think it looks like it is still on "training wings."

Next, Amanda built a Snowmanda. It was about 14 inches tall, and reasonably cute. I could tell it was hers by the double chin. 

I followed up by building a snow duck, and carving it a nice little beak. It looked much better in person, trust me.

As we went back inside, Amanda complained that she couldn't get me to have a snowball fight with her, so I picked up a chunk of snow (that, in retrospect, was way too dirty for the purpose) and chunked it at her. She didn't think it was very funny, but we did manage to get the dirt off of her coat, which is more than we can say for the seat of my pants, which are covered in mud.

1 comment:

Barbara [looking for the perfect slice of Americana] said...

You need to practice playing in the snow. And sneak-chunking of snowballs is only allowed when the chunker is a GIRL!