Sunday, 14 December 2008

My Amazing Colored Coat

I've been looking for a new winter coat for quite a while. We had been keeping our eyes out at the charity shops for weeks, but nothing had turned up in my size that was remotely satisfactory.

Today, we deviated a bit from the charity shop strategy. After taking some pictures at the cathedral, we went over to visit the Edinburgh Woolen Mill, which is neither in Edinburgh or a Mill, and sells products not made of wool (go figure). I could spend all day picking out clothes there, because they have lots of nice sweaters, shirts, trousers, jackets, hats, etc., and those are just the men's clothes. Amanda actually picked up a few shirts that were on a massive sale earlier in the year. Today, it was my turn.

I found a nice, big coat for £55.00, with an extra 20% off. With the discount, that came to £44.50, or $67. Even better, we'll be getting another 15% back when we leave the country in May, as we can get our VAT sent back to us for being non-Brits. I look forward to getting my $9 back!

What does the coat look like? Well, it looks a lot like my coat from Germany did, except it's a little bit bigger and has more pockets. Also, it is green instead of brown, with navy accents instead of brown. It's nice and roomy, and the pockets are big enough to actually put things in (what a concept)! Amanda says I look pretty good in it .

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