Friday, 31 October 2008

Exeter Students' Guild General Meeting

Today, I went to a General Meeting of the Exeter Students' Guild, which featured a great debate about the meaning of equality. Of the numerous motions/resolutions which were discussed, here are the highlights:

  • Statement of Opposition to Tuition, Fees, and Student Debt: passed overwhelmingly, in spite of some opposition from a few Guild officers who felt it compromised the current fight against tuition and fee increases.
  • Removal of Bibles from University Accomodation: failed 96-112 (with four abstentions), on the grounds that the Gideons can continue to place whatever book they like, whereever they like.
  • Amendment to the Equal Opportunity Policy: failed overwhelmingly (about 50-650); presented to allow religious groups to restrict membership (especially of their leadership) on the basis of belief.
  • Creation of a "No Platform" List: failed (about 320-400); sought to establish a list of groups whose members were not welcome to speak on campus because of their views. The follow-on resolution would have added the British National Party to the list; however, due to the failure of this resolution, it was moot.
  • Opposition to Bottled Water, Except for FairTrade Water: passed overwhelmingly, with the proviso that the Guild Shop be allowed to sell water that gives its profits to digging wells in Africa.
Overall, the meeting lasted three hours, and only accomplished about half of its agenda. It was interesting to see a British meeting at work; however, there were probably better uses for the three hours.

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